I found this interesting
free PDF from
wishfulthinking blog. It explain a good way to keep you focused on your creative work. And how to not spend time in mails, funny links, chatting, etc.
While reading this e-book, I was thinking about how can I organize myself to be not disturb by incoming mail?
And I came to this conclusion: I can easily and automatically know which mail is important and need urgent answer and which are not. The most urgent ones are from my actual clients I'm actually working with.
So I created a contact group with all these people. But this group is changing, sometimes I add contact in this group, sometimes I remove, depending of my "actualities". If an email came from a contact in this group, it's considered as an unread email and I need to read it as soon as possible. Otherwise it goes to my two other folders: TO DO SOON or NO ACTION REQUIRED. The to do soon folder is read at a specific time and the no action required folder is read when I have the time, (the "not important but maybe interesting" links or funny mails I receive everyday). And with this method I'm not disturbed by all new emails, just the ones that matter.
I think (as I read in this pdf) it's important to have "rules" and habits everyday, for some stuff. To keep the maximum possible time on your creative jobs. So now, for 2008, I know I'll be better with my creative time management!
posted by Blobinabottle #