The Blob


04 May 2008


Stress, new justice's videoclip

I just saw this new viral-buzzing-new videoclip from Justice (famous electro music band in France). Another "subjective" view as in REC or Cloverfield or the last ad nike I talked about here just few days ago. So, if we talk about technic, quality of pics, realisation, etc, I think it's pretty well done. The main message is a little perplex. As the little guys used the Justice's logo on their Jacket, is the band approve this free-violence? But the most disturbing is that is used to buzz around the band... But on other hand, that clip is no so violent, the reality can be much worse, I think they should have go further in violence to really disturb people and make an efficient buzz, now everybody are accustomed. But let's see how efficient will be the buzz for this clip. I'm curious about that... it's an interesting experience to measure the disturbing level of people.

For now it's number 3 on

Mouais. C'est un peu l'Orange Mécanique du pauvre. Le fait est que c'est bien foutu. On attend, on attend, on attend... de voir jusqu'où ça va aller. Le clip n'en est que plus efficace : on suggère que ça peut être pire. Et il n'y a ni moral ni happy end pour alléger la pression. Ça illustre parfaitement le thème du morceau. Ça sert à lancer la marque de fringues du groupe où lesdits blousons à croix se vendent à 700 euros chez Colette. Déroutant, mais jusqu'au tiroir-caisse.
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